Zero Balancing is a deeply relaxing and gentle non-invasive hands on therapy.
It uses a series of held stretches, pauses and gentle pressure from the therapist’s fingers that feels pleasant.
It provides a point of stillness around which the body can relax, giving an opportunity to let go of tensions and pains. It focuses on the involuntary joints of the body that transmit forces of gravity and movement, such as the feet and spine.
Zero Balancing is holistic in its approach, focusing on the whole body, rather than just a point of injury. It aims to help the body regain its optimum balance physically and mentally. If you feel good, Zero Balancing offers the opportunity to feel even better.
The build up of deep structural tension held in the bones and ligaments is harmonised, allowing a sense of balance to occur, and a renewed sense of energy. In a Zero Balancing session the client remains fully clothed.
Zero Balancing helps to re-align the skeleton
The energy locked up in muscle tension is freed up, allowing us to use it for other things and to have a sense of renewed energy. In a Zero Balancing session the client remains fully clothed.